Short Bio

Shannon Imhoff lives in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan with her family. She took several classes on drawing and composition at the University of Saskatchewan while completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Immunology. She then continued her education at Concordia University in Edmonton, Alberta to obtain and degree in Environmental Health and a Master's Certificate in Public Health Leadership. She currently works full time promoting the health of Canadians and paints in the early morning as time permits. Shannon lives near the Boreal forest and draws much of her inspiration from daily walks in the forest or fields on the forest edge. She enjoys being in nature and lives in the country with her husband and daughters. She also enjoys horseback riding and taking their dog to competitions. Growing up on a mixed farming operation fostered a deep love of agriculture and a fascination with farm life. Shannon enjoys painting scenes from daily farm operations as can be seen in some of her art. Shannon prefers to paint with acrylic paint but is always trying new things. She is still developing her favorite art style. Her works are varied and cover a wide range of styles in various subjects.